Custom Herbs

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Custom Herbs

The missing ingredient in most protocols

If you comb through all the practitioners out there on the internet, you’ll find some combination of supplements, dietary advice and occasionally nervous system support to help you heal from your chronic illness. Increasingly, supplements on the market are incorporating herbs in order to boost their effectiveness as more and more studies on herbs are making their way into medical journals.

Effective herbs come from many traditions, but the vast majority of herbs that are being proven safe and effective come from Chinese medicine. Some of the new formulations incorporating Chinese herbs may be helpful in some ways, but the real advantage of Chinese medicine is not in the efficacy of individual herbs but in the custom combination of multiple herbs to achieve an almost drug-like effectiveness completely free of side-effects. How does that happen?

The whole paradigm of Chinese medicine is that we don’t treat symptoms, instead we treat patterns. Two people with the same exact diagnosis may have completely different patterns, and therefore completely different herbal treatments. At the same time, two people with different diagnoses may have the exact same pattern and therefore the same herbal treatment. This is why there’s no real answer for questions like, “what herbs should I take to lower my blood pressure?”

In the days that Chinese medicine was being developed, the medical terminology was different than it is today. Rather than explaining that there is a problem in the circulatory system, they may diagnose you with blood stasis. Rather than describing the way that poor digestion and food reactions cause sinus congestion, they may say, “The stomach is the source of Dampness and the Lung is the container.” This may sound mystical or magical to our modern, English-speaking brains, but it’s really not. It’s just terminology from a time when people were more familiar with the cycles of nature than the workings of bodies. If you know how to translate these phrases into modern physiology, like we do, you can apply this pattern approach to treating individuals.

When it comes to supplements, we’re pretty much stuck with what’s in the bottle. You can try to customize dosage, but you can’t customize the ingredients. The result is that you have to stack a lot of supplements to get the desired results. One massive advantage of customized Chinese herbs is that they are exactly right for your body at exactly this moment in time. As your health changes, your herbs change with it. This is how we can produce incredible effects without side-effects.

To my knowledge, there is no other clinic out there that is combining functional medicine, therapeutic nutrition and Chinese herbal medicine to create individualized treatment plans with one-on-one coaching. There are lots of functional or natural medical practitioners using pre-made supplements. There are nutritional therapy practitioners, healing with food. There are Acupuncturists prescribing herbs as an adjunct to their Acupuncture practices or even herbalist treating strictly with herbs, but there are no other clinics that take the best of cutting-edge modern techniques and combine them with the ancient and tested traditions of Chinese herbal medicine in the way we do.

Right about now, you might be wondering exactly how do you get Chinese herbs from a telemedicine clinic? Great question, really! The short answer: Chinese herbal pharmacies with mail delivery! We use only top pharmacies with the highest quality herbs that are lab-tested for contaminants on the US-side of the transaction. We don’t trust China to just be honest about what’s in them. These pharmacies employ herbalist to put together our herbal prescriptions, exactly as prescribed, and mail them right to your door. The herbs we use are dehydrated granules, think Taster’s Choice but herbal medicine, so all you have to do is check your mail and mix them with water to make some of the most powerful medicine available and to turbo-charge your healing process.

Welcome to Gulf Coast Wellness. There is hope.
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